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Product Details

Geek 5-Way Fertilizer Applicator

distribution of fertilizer
Flow rate (m3/h): 40m3/h (110 mixing chamber) 100m3/h (160 mixing chamber)
Fertilizer injection: 316 solenoid valve + venturi
Fertilizer channels: 4 fertilizers and 1 acid
Fertilizer injection capacity: 600/h/channel 1000/h/channel
Fertilizer distribution mode: EC/PH automatic adjustment or proportional adjustment, each channel can set the proportion of fertilizer absorption
Pipe pressure: <6.0 bar
Mixer: Spiral mixing tube
Fertilizer distribution accuracy: ⫽ 0.03ms/cm
Stabilization time: 30S

valve control
Base station: 8AC 24V (wired)
Valve controller: wireless/bus/multi-wire
Expansion Points (MAX): 256
Valve programs: 64
Starting conditions: Timing, dosing, soil moisture, radiation accumulation, substrate weighing


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